Color scale preferences (0.255/0.100 and LCh/HSV settings in Colors selection dialogs) are now remembered across sessions Template selector (backported from 2.99.6) in resize dialog "Canvas Size" dialog took too much vertical space and now better uses the horizontal space by moving the preview and offset fiels to the right side, and the "Center" button just below (backported from 2.99.8). Other features using dbus (opening files or running batch commands from a separate GIMP process) won't work, but they probably never did on macOS anyway.
from file browsers) still work fine as it uses a different code path on macOS. DBus fully disabled on macOS (in some case, it could even freeze GIMP process when dbus is present yet not responding).

Symmetry dockable contents is now shown, yet deactivated, when no images are opened, improving discoverability (backported from 2.99.14)
Update help IDs for better integration with the documentation website To download: McGimp – Gimp 2.- Check for updates now works on macOS (backported from 2.99.14) What do you say: Are you interested in McGimp or does Gimp 2.10 leave you cold despite the many innovations? We are looking forward to your feedback!
In any case, Partha's service is great for Mac users. Just take a look :) Gimp 2.10 for macOS: McGimp makes it possible. I'll take a closer look at Gimp 2.10 in the next few days - of course I don't expect the one quoted to death Photoshop killer, but maybe a good alternative to the somewhat boring Pixelmator.

Then you have to close and restart McGimp once to activate the new language. Here you are looking for Language the language you want, something German for German. Click in the menu on the left Interface.Opens via the menu bar by clicking on McGimp -> Preferences the settings of Gimp.But you can switch the program to German or another language in no time at all: Otherwise, the biggest "disadvantage" is that McGIMP is set to English by default. Only the NIK plug-ins refused to work here and there, but that is negligible. In my quick tests I couldn't find any differences when using McGIMP compared to the Windows version of Gimp 2.10. But there are alternatives! (Screenshot: ) Gimp 2.10 for the Mac Gimp Mac development is apparently lagging behind.

Alternatively, the photographer also offers McGIMP builds for Linux and Windows. McGIMP was available for the Mac immediately after the release of Gimp 2.10. The real highlight for Mac users, however, is that Partha releases its Gimp builds faster than the official developers do. It's a slightly modified version of GIMP that comes bundled with a number of plugins, including Google's popular NIK Collection. The photographer provides the solution Partha in the form of McGimp. But that doesn't matter: Due to the open source nature of Gimp, there is a solution to use the latest version of the image editor on the Mac right now. The problem: As of this tutorial, Gimp 2.10 for the Mac is still not officially finished. After reading Mirco's summary, I wanted to check out Gimp again after many years. Gimp 2.10 is here and brings a surprising number of interesting new features - Mirco will show you what they are in his detailed tutorial.